/*! * jQuery Migrate - v1.1.0 - 2013-01-31 * https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate * Copyright 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors; Licensed MIT */ (function( jQuery, window, undefined ) { "use strict"; var warnedAbout = {}; // List of warnings already given; public read only jQuery.migrateWarnings = []; // Set to true to prevent console output; migrateWarnings still maintained // jQuery.migrateMute = false; // Show a message on the console so devs know we're active if ( !jQuery.migrateMute && window.console && console.log ) { console.log("JQMIGRATE: Logging is active"); } // Set to false to disable traces that appear with warnings if ( jQuery.migrateTrace === undefined ) { jQuery.migrateTrace = true; } // Forget any warnings we've already given; public jQuery.migrateReset = function() { warnedAbout = {}; jQuery.migrateWarnings.length = 0; }; function migrateWarn( msg) { if ( !warnedAbout[ msg ] ) { warnedAbout[ msg ] = true; jQuery.migrateWarnings.push( msg ); if ( window.console && console.warn && !jQuery.migrateMute ) { console.warn( "JQMIGRATE: " + msg ); if ( jQuery.migrateTrace && console.trace ) { console.trace(); } } } } function migrateWarnProp( obj, prop, value, msg ) { if ( Object.defineProperty ) { // On ES5 browsers (non-oldIE), warn if the code tries to get prop; // allow property to be overwritten in case some other plugin wants it try { Object.defineProperty( obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { migrateWarn( msg ); return value; }, set: function( newValue ) { migrateWarn( msg ); value = newValue; } }); return; } catch( err ) { // IE8 is a dope about Object.defineProperty, can't warn there } } // Non-ES5 (or broken) browser; just set the property jQuery._definePropertyBroken = true; obj[ prop ] = value; } if ( document.compatMode === "BackCompat" ) { // jQuery has never supported or tested Quirks Mode migrateWarn( "jQuery is not compatible with Quirks Mode" ); } var attrFn = {}, oldAttr = jQuery.attr, valueAttrGet = jQuery.attrHooks.value && jQuery.attrHooks.value.get || function() { return null; }, valueAttrSet = jQuery.attrHooks.value && jQuery.attrHooks.value.set || function() { return undefined; }, rnoType = /^(?:input|button)$/i, rnoAttrNodeType = /^[238]$/, rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, ruseDefault = /^(?:checked|selected)$/i; // jQuery.attrFn migrateWarnProp( jQuery, "attrFn", attrFn, "jQuery.attrFn is deprecated" ); jQuery.attr = function( elem, name, value, pass ) { var lowerName = name.toLowerCase(), nType = elem && elem.nodeType; // Since pass is used internally, we only warn and shim for new jQuery // versions where there isn't a pass arg in the formal params if ( pass && oldAttr.length < 4 ) { migrateWarn("jQuery.fn.attr( props, pass ) is deprecated"); if ( elem && !rnoAttrNodeType.test( nType ) && jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.fn[ name ] ) ) { return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value ); } } // Warn if user tries to set `type`, since it breaks on IE 6/7/8; by checking // for disconnected elements we don't warn on $( "